Monday, December 13, 2004

Lil`bit motivation for today

Senen bo`!
Masih ke sugesti ama I hate Monday -nya The Cure? Dikiiiiiit, makanya agak hepi juga pas ada yang send email di hari senen yang konon kabarnya paling berat diantara 6 hari lainnya. Email itu berisi url website yang by submitting your date,month and year of your birthday, you will find your lucky animal icon that will tell your fortune. :) Gak pernah percaya sama hal - hal yangberbau ramalan sih, but kalo isinya bisa dijadikan motivator buat tetap terus positive thingking in my life, why not?! urlnya:

You are Gold Elephant type of person, who tends to be fresh, straightforward and hold a pure heart.
You look very active, cheerful and articulate.
You are good-looking woman.
You tend to be very intelligent, and are not a difficult person.
Your honest and good personality attracts many people.
You also possess will power and have perseverance.
You put your maximum effort in anything you do, which gives a favorable impression to others.
Although, you don't depend on others easily, your rationalism and argumentative personality is something you should watch out for.
You sometimes change completely and surprises people.
Those Gold Elephants who had lived most of their lives with their parents have this tendency.
They hurt other people's feelings by being too blunt.
Nevertheless, you tend to be extremely polite most of the times.
Those of you who have left home and live independently tend to be polite.
The loneliness of living on your own seems to mature your character.
You will not go into deep relationship with ordinary office working men.
But you do not go much for macho type and those who assert themselves too much.
Your cheerful and active personality may give a wrong impression, but you will be extremely good at keeping your home.

Have a bless monday, dew! :)

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